B2B Internet Marketing is now a Mobile First Semantic Search Environment.
The explosion in the use of mobile devices has changed the rules for getting high search engine rankings.Today over 60% of website visits are with mobile devices. With Google's Mobile First Search TF-IDF optimization websites get the highest SEO rankings with Google, Yahoo & Bing.
Google and the other prominent search engines now use linguistic data sets to understand "entity salience" on web pages. Simply stated: how often related terms are used on a page determines how important a specific subject is.
Today, instead of individual search terms, true website optimization means putting the focus on entire semantic term groups. As a result, ranking results now requires a much more sophisticated process.
* TF-IDF is an abbreviation for "Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency."
It is used to measure the importance of a given keyword on a page and throughout the entire website.
One of the ways that this aids in Google searches is by identifying and disqualifying lower-quality content.
Methods like keyword stuffing are more easily flagged with a TF-IDF weighing scheme. TF-IDF determines term frequency and their predetermined weighted relationships to determine quality.
This means that search engines like Google have excellent insights into what words statistically go together and make semantic correlations. That information is used to deliver excellent search results with verbal queries.
The idea is to create targeted content related to the entity of your product line that interests users and fills gaps in organic visibility. The goal is to become a valuable source of information for your customers, which builds your semantic authority with the search engines.
With superior content your website becomes search engines' go-to guru on your products or services.
LPH SEO experts have extensive search engine optimization experience, which we combine with sophisticated methodologies necessary to get high rankings. This fusion of Semantic Search TF-IDF and good B2B content marketing helps us get your website the highest rankings in very competitive situations.
Our process includes analyzing the most meaningful terms of your highest ranking competitors: we identify online competitors you may not be aware of. Then, using sophisticated TF-IDF analytical tools, a highly trained SEO expert does information retrieval and makes the necessary adjustments. During the process your website is revised and tested until it out performs your competitors.
Mobile First Indexing can be done to existing Website Optimized Marketing copy or when new B2B Internet marketing copy is created for your website.
Get your website very visible in the new semantic search environment.
Let us employ our sophisticated TF-IDF tools and extensive Search Engine Optimization experience to
your profits.
Contact us or call us 949-497-8716